Violência, drogas, condições de trabalho, relacionamentos, saúde pública etc. são sérias preocupações deste começo de século. Será que no início do século XX as pessoas tinham as mesmas inquietações?
A) Take a look at the text and the picture and answer the question.
Where is this text from?
B) Mark the correct option.
1. This photo is from
( ) the beginning of the 20th century.
( ) the beginning of the 21st century.
A) Take a look at the text and the picture and answer the question.
Where is this text from?
B) Mark the correct option.
1. This photo is from
( ) the beginning of the 20th century.
( ) the beginning of the 21st century.
( ) the end of the 20th century.
English for all. Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes, Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. p 88.
2. How did you arrive at this conclusion?
( ) By the lack of colors.
( ) By the men's and women's clothes.
( ) By the words in the banners.
3. What are the people doing?
( ) They are taking part in a sports event.
( ) They are on a parade.
( ) They are protesting.
4. What is it about?
( ) Men's rights.
( ) Men's arid women's rights.
( ) Women's rights.
5. What kind of rights?
( ) The right to vote.
( ) The right to work.
( ) The right to study.
Atenção: Escutem quantas vezes vocês acharem que é necessário!
English for all. Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes, Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. p 89.
( ) 4th paragraph
A) Match the sentences according to the main ideas presented in each paragraph.
1. Life expectancy of a child at the beginning of the 20th century.
2. Explanation of w h y we think we have more problems nowadays.
3. The problems people had at the beginning of 1900.
4. A questioning comparing family problems in the past and in the present.
2. Explanation of w h y we think we have more problems nowadays.
3. The problems people had at the beginning of 1900.
4. A questioning comparing family problems in the past and in the present.
( ) 4th paragraph
( ) 3rd paragraph
( ) 2nd paragraph
( ) 1st paragraph
B) Mark T (true) or F (false).
( ) Nowadays we usually sweep problems under the rug.
( ) Children used to work full-time in the beginning of the 20th century.
( ) It is not important to consider certain social problems like inattentive parents, teen and child abuse, etc.
C) Mark the period these things refer to.
( ) 2nd paragraph
( ) 1st paragraph
B) Mark T (true) or F (false).
( ) Nowadays we usually sweep problems under the rug.
( ) Children used to work full-time in the beginning of the 20th century.
( ) It is not important to consider certain social problems like inattentive parents, teen and child abuse, etc.
C) Mark the period these things refer to.
D) Answer the question.
Whose life expectancy was lower in the beginning of the 20th century, white or black children? Find a sentence in the text to prove your answer.
Whose life expectancy was lower in the beginning of the 20th century, white or black children? Find a sentence in the text to prove your answer.
English for all. Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes, Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. p 90.
Tenham um bom aprendizado!!
11 comentários:
B( )
C( )
A( )
C( )
D( )
E( )
C)1 nowadays
3) in the past
4) in the past
A- England
1-( )
( )
2-( )
( )
3-( )
( )
4-( )
( )
( )
( )
3-In the past
4-In the past
In 1900 a white child had one chance in three of losing a brother or sister before age 15 and a black child had a fifty-fifty chance of seeing a sibling die.
A - England.
1 - ( )
( )
2 - ( )
( )
3 - ( )
( )
4 - ( )
( )
5 - (*)
( )
( )
A) (2)
B) (T)
1 - Nowadays
2 - Nowadays
3 - In the past
4 - In the past
D) A white child has one chance in three of losing a sibling before age 15.
Letra A- england.
1- The and of the 20 century.
2- By the men`s and women`s clothes.
3- They are protesting.
4- men`s and women`s rights.
5- The right to vote.
Letra A-
(2) 4 paragrafo .
(4) 3rd paragrafo
(3) 2nd paragrafo
(1) 1st paragrafo
Letra B-
Letra C-
1- nowadays
2- nowadays
3- in thepast
4- in thepast
Letra D-
"white child hand one chance in theree of losing a brother or sister before age 15 and a black child hada fifty-fi chance of seeing a sibling dai.
letra A-
letra B-
1-the end of the 20th century.
2-By the men´s a and women´s clothes.
3-they are protesting.
4-men´s and women´s rights.
5-the right to vote.
letra A=
(2) 4th paragraph
(4) 3rd paragraph.
(3) 2nd paragraph.
(1) 1st paragraph.
letra B-
letra C-
3-in the past.
4-in the past.
letra D-
''white child had one chance in there of losing a brother or sister before age 15 and biack child had a fifty-fifty chance of seeing a sibling dia.''
letra A
letra B
the end of the 20th century
By the men´s and women´s clothes.
they are protesting.
men´s and women´s rights;
the right to vote.
letra A
(2) 4th paragraph
(4) 3rd paragraph
(3) 2nd paragraph
(1) 1st paragraph
letra B
letra C
1 -nowadays
2- nowadays
3- in the past.
4- in the past.
letra d
''white child had one chance in three of losing a brother or sister before age 15 and biack child had a fifty-fifty chance of seeing a sibling dia.''
Text 1
( )
( )
A- England
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
A)acho que sim porque hoje tem mais melhorias tem mais meios de comunicaçoes..
B)ambiente=no seculo xx era bem deferente do seculo xxI porque no meio anbiente nao tinha esse caos todo temos como exemplo sao paulo..
Educaçao= ja a educaçao do seculo xxI e bem melhor do que o seculo xx nao existe a violencia no caso a tabua para bater nos alunos acho que si existece os alunos aprenderiam mais eu acho.
relacionamento pessoal=no seculo xxI e bem mais facil porque temos um bom meio de comunicaçao no caso a internet,que e uma otima forma de relacionamento pessoal.
tratamento medico=acho que do seculo xx era melhor do que agora porque a gente vai no hospital hoje em dia a procura de uma ajuda morre la mesmo por falta de medicamentos e medicos que nao tem por exemplo o hospital de sao joao batista.
Expectativa de vida=e bem melhor agora porque tem mais meios de ter uma expectativa de vida mais tem que ter enteresse si nao nao vale a pena no seculo xx era mais esforço i menos meios por isso existia tambem uma boa expectativa de vida..
Liberdade Sexual=hoje em dia temos mais liberdade sexual i muito no seculo xx nao tinha isso nao nem si compara o seculo xx com o de agora.
Liberdade Religiosa=para mim nao mudou em nada e cada um na sua religiao i pronto.
Opotunidade de Emprego= hoje bem mais facil tem mais meis i mais ultilidades no seculo xx nao tinha muitas oportunidades e nem meios.
Iguldade racial=no seculo xx i no seculo xxI e quase a mesma forma so muda que no seculo xx tinha escravos i hoje em dia ate tem mais nao como antes..
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