A) Read the following newspaper article and complete it with words from the boxes.
English for all. Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes, Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. p 94.
B) Mrs. Owen and Mrs. Ford are looking at some old photos and commenting that nowadays problems are not as difficult as they were in the past. Match the columns to find out what they are talking about.
1. Many things aren't as difficult as they ( ) used to be in the beginning of the 20th century.2. The chance of losing a sibling in the past was ( ) be as tall as now.
3. People didn't ( ) use as tall as now.
4. In the past children didn't use to be ( ) as high as now.
5. In the past teens didn't use to ( ) as stressed as they are now.
6. People didn't use to have expectations in marriage ( ) not as low as it is now.
English for all. Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes, Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. p 95.
C) These paragraphs are about some pros and cons of modern life. Choose the appropriate words to fill i n the blanks.
In the past it was ___________________ (more difficult - easier) to wash clothes and dishes than it is nowadays. Today we have very good appliances at home. Some years ago a few people had computers at home and they were much ____________________ (cheaper - more expensive) than they are now. The refrigerators and microwave ovens are _____________________ (cheaper - more expensive) now than they were some years ago. We usually think that life is ___________ (better - worse) now than it used to be in the past.
In the past it was ____________________ (more difficult - easier) to have time to talk with friends than it is nowadays. A t that time people looked _______________ (more nervous - calmer) than they are at the present.
English for all. Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes, Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. p 96.
Tenham um bom aprendizado!!
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