English for all.
Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes,
Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva,
2010. p 10.
English for all. Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes, Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. p 11.
Tenham um bom aprendizado!!
31 comentários:
A) My name is kang ,my parents are korean,nimo is a boston terrier ,my father is a businessman,my brother andi are students,it is a thay school.
B) 1-no, wearenit
where are you from.
where are they from.
they are from india.
no,english is their second language .
2-are you German.
I am from frankfurt.
no,they are from berlin.
Querido aluno Alilson Pinheiro Soares, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
A- language in use
my name is ahreum kang,my parents are korean,nimo is a boston terrier,my father is a businessman,my brother andi are students,its a tha school
1- no,we arent
where are you from
where are they from
they re from india
no,english is their second Language
2- are you german
im from frankfurt
no, they re from berlin
A) My name is Abrum, My parents are Korian, nimo is a boston terrier . B) 1- No we aren't - Where are you from . - Where are they from . - They're from India . - No, Inglish is thier second language . 2) No they're from berlin. - Are you German . - I'm from Frankurt .
Querido aluno Antonielson dos Santos Soares, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
Querida aluna Rafisa Maciel da Silva, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções. Algumas respostas da letra A estão faltando.
My name is Ahreum kang
My parents are korean
Nimo is a Boston terrier
My father is a businessman
My brother and I are students
It's a thai school.
No, We aren' t
Where are you from
Where are They from
They' are from India - Where are they from?
No, English is their second language
Are you German?
I'm from Frankfurt.
No, they' re from Berlim.
- My nane is ahreum kang
- My parents are corean
- Mimo is bastan terrier
- My father is a busi nessman
- My brother and are estudentis
- It's a thai school
- No, whearen't
- Where are you from
- Where are thy from
- They're from Índia
- No english is their second language
2- Are you german
- I'm from frank furt
- No, they're from berlin
Querida aluna, Mayandra Saraiva, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
Querido aluno, Alcenildo Sousa Ferreira, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
A mynameisahepunkanghiupessoaformanafamilia.
1-noweacenf whereareyoufrom
thet re frominolia
1)a( ) b ( ) c (x)
2)a (x) b ( ) c( )
3)a ( ) b (x) c( )
my name is ahreum kang
my parents are korean
nimo is a boston terrir
my father is a businessman
it's a thai school
-no, we are't
-where are you from
-where are they from
-they're from india, where-ate they from
-no, englesh is treir second language
-are you german
-I'm from frankfut
-No, trey re from berlin
-What is his full mane?
Oscar dos santo emboaba júnior.
-Where is he from?
-what is his native language?
1.a ( ) b. ( ) c.(x)
2.a.(x) b.( ) c.( )
3.a.( ) b.(x) c.( )
My name is ahreum kang.
my parents are korean.
nimo is a boston terrier.
my father is a businessman.
my brother and i' are students.
it's a thai school.
1.-No, we aren't
-where are you from?
-where are they from.
-no, english is their seconde language.
2.Are you german?
-I'm from frankfurt.
- no, they're from berlin.
what is his full name?
Cristiano melo araujo
where is he from?
what is his native language?
Querido aluno, Bruno Januário Pereira Souza, organize suas respostas destas atividades.
Querida aluna, Geovanna Serra Penha, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções. As respostas do 1, 2 e 3 (que estão em cima) são de outras e as que estão abaixo do 2º da letra B.
Querida aluna, Eglantine Campos Cutrim, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções. As respostas do 1, 2 e 3 (que estão em cima) são de outras e as que estão abaixo do 2º da letra B.
my name is ahepun kang hiu pessoa formana familia.
my partnts are konta.
nimo is a boston ferrei
my father is abusinessanan.
my brofhe anol are estudents
its a athi school
1-nowe acenf where are you from
where are they from?
thet re frominolia
they nutive
are you german
imfrom frank furt
not they refrom btrim
my name isahreum kang
MY parents are Korean
Nimois a Bostonterrier
MY father is a businessman
my brother and I are students
It's a thai school
no,we aren't
Where are you from?
Where are they from?
They're from India
They native
are you bermans
Im from frank furt
noi they re from btr im.
My name is Ahreum Kang.
My parents are Korean.
Nino is a Boston terrier.
My father is a businessman.
My brther and I are students.
It's a thai school.
-No, we aren't.
-Where are you from?
Where are they from.
-they'se from India.
-No, English is their second language.
Are you German?
- I'm from Frankfurt.
-No, they'se from berlin.
Querido aluno, Bruno Januário Pereira Souza, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
Querido aluno, Adriano Moraes Ferreira, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
my nome is ahereum kang,my parents are koream,nino is a boston terrir, my father is a business mam,my brother and I are students, his a thai school
1-no,we aren;t
where ari you from
they're from india ,where-are they from
no english is their second language.
2- Are you German.
I' m from Frankfut.
No, they are from Berlin.
Querido aluno, Adriano Moraes Ferreira, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois ainda é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
A -my name is ahereun,kang
B-my parents are korean
C-nimo is a boston terreier
D-my father is a busi ness onan
E-my brother ende are etudentes
F-it`s a thai school
B - 1 -no, wearen´t
where are you from
where are they from
they´re from india
no english is their se cond languague
2 -are you german
i´m from frank fut
no,they´re from berlin
Querida aluna, Mariana Castro Penha, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois ainda é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
1- c;(x)
Querido aluno, Valber Lúcio Câmara Bastos, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois ainda é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
Querida aluna, Vaniele Corrêa Soares, essas respostas são de outras atividades.
my nick none is arun and
livi im phuket thai land
one younger brother
and sunny cocker spaniel
mother is a hausiwife
school but it has
1. are você é da china
were voê é de são fransisco
is a linguage nativa dele é inglês
2. ele execulte você
my name is ahrenkane
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