English for all. Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes, Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. p 122.
A: They do not have to work more than 48 hours a week, if they don't want to.
B: What time do they usually start work?
A: They usually start at nine o'clock and finish at five o'clock.
1. Formação da 3ª pessoa do singular (forma afirmativa)
a) Regra geral: verbo + -s
(get) She gets home late every night.
(use) He uses the computer in the afternoon.
b) Verbos terminados em:
• -s, -z, -ch, -sh, -x, -o: verbo + -es
(brush) She brushes her teeth three times a day.
(go) It goes from north to south.
• consoante + -y: verbo – -y + -ies
(study) Sally studies English on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
(cry) The baby cries every night.
c) Exceção: have - has
She has lunch at a restauram every Saturday.
2. Usos
a) Exprime ações habituais, geralmente indicadas por expressões adverbiais de tempo (every day, every Monday, on Fridays...) ou advérbios de frequência (always, never, usually, often, sometimes, seldom...):
I always get dressed before breakfast.
He plays soccer on Sundays.
b) Exprime fatos em geral:
I like to travei.
We live in Argentina.
English for all. Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes, Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. p 123.
A) Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses in the simple present tense.
1. Sometimes you __________________ at work late. (arrive)
2. Grandpa seldom _________________________________. (have dinner)
3. Mr. Brown always ________________________ to New York. (fly)
4. Mr. Gulliver _________________________ volleyball every Saturday. (play)
5. I usually _______________________ in the afternoon. (work)
6. She _________________________ to New York every year. (come back)
7. The children ____________________________ TV every night. (watch)
8. Bob and I ____________________________ always after classes. (study)
9. He ____________________________two brothers and one sister. (have)
B) Complete the dialogs using the verbs in parentheses in the simple present tense.
1. – Sam _______________________ in New York. (live)
– And Shirley? _________ she ______________ in New York too?
– Yes, she does.
2. – _____________ William always ___________ home late? (get)
– No, he never ____________ home late.
– But it is ten o’clock already!
– Oh, sorry! On Fridays he usually ______ his friends off at their houses first. (drop)
3 . – _____________ Paul ______________ Italian food? (like)
– No, he ____________________ any kind of pasta.
– What kind of food _____________ he usually _______________? (eat)
– He _______________ Brazilian food.
English for all. Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes, Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. p 124.
C) Look at the chart below. It shows what Ronald usually does during the week.
Now give complete answers about Ronald's weekly activities.
1. When does Ronald work at a snack bar?
2. How often does he swim at a gym?
3. When does he have lunch at his cousins' house?
4. When does he play soccer?
5. When does he go to the movies?
6. How often does he go to a disco?
7. How often does he go to school?
English for all. Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes, Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. p 124.
D) Look at the photos and answer the questions.

E) Make sentences using both ... and, and the verbs in the simple present tense.
1. Bob / his family / need help
2. chemistry / mathematics / be / interesting subjects
3. my son / my daughter / arrive / home late every day
4. David / Allan / think / this situation / be / weird
English for all. Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes, Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. p 126.
Tenham um bom aprendizado!!
informações sobre o TEMPO PRESENTE SIMPLES
clique AQUI.
Tenham um bom aprendizado!!
27 comentários:
A) arrive;
has dinner;
comes back;
B)1. lives, does e live;
2. Does, get e gets;
3. drops, does, like, does not like, does, eat e eats.
C)1.He works at a snack bar on Fridays and on Saturdays;
2.He swim at a gym twice a week;
3.He has lunch at his cousins' house on Sumdays;
4.He plays soccer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays;
5.He goes to the movies on Tuesdays and Saturdays;
6.He goes to a disco one a week;
7.He goes to school five times a week.
D)1.They start work at nine o' clock;
2.She gets up at six o' clock;
3.He goes at eight o' clock;
4.They go to be bed at ten o' clock.
E)1.Both Bob and his family need helps;
2.Both chemestry and mathematics;
3.Both my son and my daughter arrive home late every day;
4.Both David and Allan think this situation be weird.
Querida aluna Thayna Serra Machado, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
1- arrive
2- has dinner
3- flues
4- plays
5- work
6- comes back
7- watch
8- study
9- has
1- lives,,does,live
2- does,get,gets,drops
3- does,like,doesnt,does,eat, eat
1- he work at a snack bar on friday and saturbay
2- he swins at a gym twiu a week
3- he has lunch at his cousins house on sunday
4- he play soccer on mondays,webnesdays and saturdays
5- mhe goes to the movies on tuesdays and sturdy
6- he goesto a dsco once a week
7- he goes to school five times a week
1- they start work at nine o clock
2- che gets upat six o clock
3- he goes to school at eight o clock
4- they go to bed at ten o clock
1- both bob and his family meed help
2- both chemestrey and mathematce are interesting subjects
3- both my son and my dughter arrive home late every day
4- both david and allan think this situation weird
Querido aluno, Wellington Silva Soares, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
1- arrive
2- has dinner
3- flues
4- plays
5- work
6- comes back
7- watch
8- study
9- has
1- lives,,does,live
2- does,get,gets,drops
3- does,like,doesnt,does,eat, eat
1- he work at a snack bar on friday and saturbay
2- he swins at a gym twiu a week
3- he has lunch at his cousins house on sunday
4- he play soccer on mondays,webnesdays and saturdays
5- mhe goes to the movies on tuesdays and sturdy
6- he goesto a dsco once a week
7- he goes to school five times a week
1- they start work at nine o clock
2- che gets upat six o clock
3- he goes to school at eight o clock
4- they go to bed at ten o clock
1- both bob and his family meed help
2- both chemestrey and mathematce are interesting subjects
3- both my son and my dughter arrive home late every day
4- both david and allan think this situation weird
1- arrive
2- has dinner
3- flues
4- plays
5- work
6- comes back
7- watch
8- study
9- has
1- lives,,does,live
2- does,get,gets,drops
3- does,like,doesnt,does,eat, eat
1- he work at a snack bar on friday and saturbay
2- he swins at a gym twiu a week
3- he has lunch at his cousins house on sunday
4- he play soccer on mondays,webnesdays and saturdays
5- mhe goes to the movies on tuesdays and sturdy
6- he goesto a dsco once a week
7- he goes to school five times a week
1- they start work at nine o clock
2- che gets upat six o clock
3- he goes to school at eight o clock
4- they go to bed at ten o clock
1- both bob and his family meed help
2- both chemestrey and mathematce are interesting subjects
3- both my son and my dughter arrive home late every day
4- both david and allan think this situation weird
Querido aluno, Sidney Sá Azevedo , dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
Querido aluno, Tanilson Santos dos Santos, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções. Não se esqueça de que plágio é crime.
2:has dinner;
6:comes back;
1:lives, does e live;
2: Does, get e gets;
3:drops, does, like, does not like, does, eat e eats.
1:He works at a snack bar on Fridays and on Saturdays;
2:He swim at a gym twice a week;
3.He has lunch at his cousins' house on Sumdays;
4:He plays soccer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays;
5:He goes to the movies on Tuesdays and Saturdays;
6:He goes to a disco one a week;
7:He goes to school five times a week.
1:They start work at nine o' clock;
2:She gets up at six o' clock;
3:He goes at eight o' clock;
4:They go to be bed at ten o' clock.
1:Both Bob and his family need helps;
2:Both chemestry and mathematics;
3:Both my son and my daughter arrive home late every day;
4:Both David and Allan think this situation be weird.
1- arrive
2- has dinner
3- flues
4- plays
5- work
6- comes back
7- watch
8- study
9- has
1- lives,,does,live
2- does,get,gets,drops
3- does,like,doesnt,does,eat, eat
1- he work at a snack bar on friday and saturbay
2- he swins at a gym twiu a week
3- he has lunch at his cousins house on sunday
4- he play soccer on mondays,webnesdays and saturdays
5- mhe goes to the movies on tuesdays and sturdy
6- he goesto a dsco once a week
7- he goes to school five times a week
1- they start work at nine o clock
2- che gets upat six o clock
3- he goes to school at eight o clock
4- they go to bed at ten o clock
1- both bob and his family meed help
2- both chemestrey and mathematce are interesting subjects
3- both my son and my dughter arrive home late every day
4- both david and allan think this situation weird
Querido aluno, Mateus Costa Mota, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções. Não se esqueça de que plágio é crime.
Querida aluna, Andressa Soares, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
A) arrive;
has dinner;
comes back;
B)1. lives, does e live;
2. Does, get e gets;
3. drops, does, like, does not like, does, eat e eats.
C)1.He works at a snack bar on Fridays and on Saturdays;
2.He swim at a gym twice a week;
3.He has lunch at his cousins' house on Sumdays;
4.He plays soccer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays;
5.He goes to the movies on Tuesdays and Saturdays;
6.He goes to a disco one a week;
7.He goes to school five times a week.
D)1.They start work at nine o' clock;
2.She gets up at six o' clock;
3.He goes at eight o' clock;
4.They go to be bed at ten o' clock.
E)1.Both Bob and his family need helps;
2.Both chemestry and mathematics;
3.Both my son and my daughter arrive home late every day;
4.Both David and Allan think this situation be weird.
A) arrive;
has dinner;
comes back;
B)1. lives, does e live;
2. Does, get e gets;
3. drops, does, like, does not like, does, eat e eats.
C)1.He works at a snack bar on Fridays and on Saturdays;
2.He swim at a gym twice a week;
3.He has lunch at his cousins' house on Sumdays;
4.He plays soccer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays;
5.He goes to the movies on Tuesdays and Saturdays;
6.He goes to a disco one a week;
7.He goes to school five times a week.
D)1.They start work at nine o' clock;
2.She gets up at six o' clock;
3.He goes at eight o' clock;
4.They go to be bed at ten o' clock.
E)1.Both Bob and his family need helps;
2.Both chemestry and mathematics;
3.Both my son and my daughter arrive home late every day;
4.Both David and Allan think this situation be weird.
1- arrive
2- has dinner
3- flues
4- plays
5- work
6- comes back
7- watch
8- study
9- has
1- lives,,does,live
2- does,get,gets,drops
3- does,like,doesnt,does,eat, eat
1- he work at a snack bar on friday and saturbay
2- he swins at a gym twiu a week
3- he has lunch at his cousins house on sunday
4- he play soccer on mondays,webnesdays and saturdays
5- mhe goes to the movies on tuesdays and sturdy
6- he goesto a dsco once a week
7- he goes to school five times a week
1- they start work at nine o clock
2- che gets upat six o clock
3- he goes to school at eight o clock
4- they go to bed at ten o clock
1- both bob and his family meed help
2- both chemestrey and mathematce are interesting subjects
3- both my son and my dughter arrive home late every day
4- both david and allan think this situation weird
1-lives does live
2-does get gets drops
3-does like does not like does eat eats
1-he work at a snak bar on fridayand saturdays
2-he swims at a gymtwice a week
3-he as luncks at his cousins on sunday
4-he plays soccer on mondays wednesdays and saturday
5-he goes tothe wovies on tuesdayand saturday
6-he goes to a disco once a weey
7-he goes to school five times a week
1-they starts work nineo dok
2-she gets up six o dock
3-he goesto school eight o´ clock
4-they goto bed tin o´chock
1-both bob and his family need help
2-both chemisthy and mathematics are interesting subjetcs
3-both my son and my daught erarrive home iate evereday
4-bot david and allan think this stuation is weird
A) arrive;
has dinner;
comes back;
B)1. lives, does e live;
2. Does, get e gets;
3. drops, does, like, does not like, does, eat e eats.
C)1.He works at a snack bar on Fridays and on Saturdays;
2.He swim at a gym twice a week;
3.He has lunch at his cousins' house on Sumdays;
4.He plays soccer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays;
5.He goes to the movies on Tuesdays and Saturdays;
6.He goes to a disco one a week;
7.He goes to school five times a week.
D)1.They start work at nine o' clock;
2.She gets up at six o' clock;
3.He goes at eight o' clock;
4.They go to be bed at ten o' clock.
E)1.Both Bob and his family need helps;
2.Both chemestry and mathematics;
3.Both my son and my daughter arrive home late every day;
4.Both David and Allan think this situation be weird.
2:has dinner;
6:comes back;
1:lives, does e live;
2: Does, get e gets;
3:drops, does, like, does not like, does, eat e eats.
1:He works at a snack bar on Fridays and on Saturdays;
2:He swim at a gym twice a week;
3.He has lunch at his cousins' house on Sumdays;
4:He plays soccer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays;
5:He goes to the movies on Tuesdays and Saturdays;
6:He goes to a disco one a week;
7:He goes to school five times a week.
1:They start work at nine o' clock;
2:She gets up at six o' clock;
3:He goes at eight o' clock;
4:They go to be bed at ten o' clock.
1:Both Bob and his family need helps;
2:Both chemestry and mathematics;
3:Both my son and my daughter arrive home late every day;
4:Both David and Allan think this situation be weird.
Querida aluna, Gerliane Souza Neves, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
Querida aluna, Mariana Serra Almeida, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
Querido aluno, Uanderson Santos Diniz, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
Querido aluno, Enilson Pinheiro Maranhão, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
Querida aluna, Dária Serra Almeida, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
Querida aluna, Williane Rodrigues Ferreira, dê uma olhada nas suas respostas destas atividades, pois é necessário que você faça algumas correções.
2;has dinner
6;comes back
does live
2;does get
gets drops
3;does like
does not
like does fat
1;he work the fridaurand saturday.
2;he swims at agym twice a week
3; he has lunch at his cousin'house on sundays.
4;hele plays soccer on mandays wedwesdays and saturdays.
5;he goes the movies on teusdays and saturdays
6;he goes to a disc once a week
7;he goes to school five times a week
1;they start wdrk atnine
2;shegets upat six
3;he goes to school at e ieght ,o clock
4;they goto bed at tem o clock
1;the bos and his family ney hola
2;both chemestrand mathemarhcs are interesting
3;both my som and my doughter arrive home late every day
4; both david and allan think situation is weira
1- :arrive;
2:-has dinner;
6:-comes back;
1:lives, does e live;
2: Does, get e gets;
3:drops, does, like, does not like, does, eat e eats.
1:He works at a snack bar on Fridays and on Saturdays;
2:He swim at a gym twice a week;
3.He has lunch at his cousins' house on Sumdays;
4:He plays soccer on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays;
5:He goes to the movies on Tuesdays and Saturdays;
6:He goes to a disco one a week;
7:He goes to school five times a week.
1:They start work at nine o' clock;
2:She gets up at six o' clock;
3:He goes at eight o' clock;
4:They go to be bed at ten o' clock.
1:Both Bob and his family need helps;
2:Both chemestry and mathematics;
3:Both my son and my daughter arrive home late every day;
4:Both David and Allan think this situation be weird.
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